After a year-long legislative battle, all of us at Local 856 have won a significant victory in our ongoing fight against outsourcing. The legislative win protects Teamster jobs by strengthening Buy America laws here in California. Buy America requirements protect good middle-class union jobs by preventing outsourcing and ensuring American tax-payer dollars are re-invested inRead More >
News & Publications
West Contra Costa Unified School Teamsters District Win New Contract
Teamsters Local 856 members of West Contra Costa County Unified School District (WCCUSD) have overwhelmingly ratified a new two-year contract that includes significant wage increases and market rate adjustments for overlooked classifications to combat high vacancy rates. The victory comes after over six months of grueling negotiations, which included numerous actions, including a rallyRead More >
Crowne Plaza SFO Members Hold Action Calling for Fair Contract and an End to Stall Tactics at Bargaining
Dozens of union members and elected officials joined the Crowne Plaza SFO Teamsters Local 856 members on Thursday, November 17, for an informational leaflet in front of the hotel demanding a fair contract and calling for hotel ownership to bargain in good faith. Special thanks to CA State Senator Josh Becker, Burlingame Councilmember Emily Beach,Read More >
Teamsters 856 Leaders Celebrate Unity at the 45th Annual TNBC
Members of Local 856 joined hundreds of Teamsters from across the country for the 45th Annual Teamsters National Black Caucus (TNBC) Educational Conference in New Orleans, last August. “It felt like home,” said Barry Deandre Anderson, Shop Steward, Sunsweet. “I am an activist in, and out of work, so it was great to get involved andRead More >
Thanksgiving Meetings
We’re proud to announce that Teamsters Local 856 will once again continue one of our most treasured traditions, dating back to the early days of our Local. Our Thanksgiving meetings are a special occasion for our members to reflect on the Local’s victories and celebrate another tremendous year. So join us at our upcoming ThanksgivingRead More >