Marin County Probation Officers, joined by other safety officers, county employees, and labor organizations, will hold a rally and protest on Tuesday, October 4, calling on the County to provide living wages and stop the recent attempt to outsource critical Probation Department work.
News & Publications
Teamsters Celebrate Passing of SB 490: The Buy American Food Act
Statement from Peter Finn, Teamster Food Processing Division Director and Teamsters Local 856 Secretary-Treasurer on the passing of SB 490 – The Buy American Food Act: “The Teamsters Food Processing Division thanks Governor Gavin Newsom for signing SB 490 to strengthen Buy American requirements for school meals. Once again, California leads the nation and isRead More >
Contra Costa County Teamster Win Strong Contract
Worker Power and Collective Action Leads to Strong Win for Contra Costa County Teamsters After months of tough negotiations, the over 2,000 Contra Costa County members of Teamsters Local 856 won a strong contract in August of 2022. The victory comes after months of direct action from the workers of Contra Costa County, including twoRead More >
Member Highlight: Evelia Agredano
We are proud to highlight Evelia Agredano, School Community Outreach Worker at Lincoln Elementary, and the Teamsters of the West Contra Costa Unified School District. Over the 4th of July weekend, Lincoln Elementary was badly vandalized. Evelia, along with other Teamsters Local 856 members, volunteered their Saturday to clean up the school site and haveRead More >