Facing the COVID-19 Challenge Head On

Teamsters 856 Principal Officer and Secretary-Treasurer Peter Finn

The true test of a person doesn’t come when times are good, but rather when things get tough, when we face challenges. The last six months have certainly been an example of that, whether at home, or at work, COVID-19 has brought unprecedented challenges we have had to face for the first time. It has been a time when we’ve all had to dig deep and find the strength to continue to stay positive and move forward. It has been a time when, more than ever, we have had to rely on family, friends, and co-workers for support. No doubt, we have had to be there for each other.

That holds true within our Local Union as well. As the demands of work changed and became more challenging, Local 856 members have stepped up with strength and determination, and in doing so, showed what it means to be a Teamster. In all facets of the economy, across all industries, we have demonstrated how essential we are and I’ve never been more proud to be a Teamster.

Our Local 856 family has been hit by COVID-19 directly, and while most members who have faced the virus have recovered, sadly we have recently lost members of our Food Processing Division to COVID-19. First and foremost, our collective thoughts and prayers go out to the families. Further, the devastating impact of COVID-19 makes us even more committed as a Union to fight for safety and recognition of the work Local 856 members are doing during the pandemic. 

At Local 856 we have never been afraid to take on a fight. We understand making positive change is never easy. It takes togetherness, hard work, and a willingness to stay strong through the tough times. And while COVID-19 is a new kind of fight, by sticking together and staying positive, we will not only get through this, but emerge even stronger.