Members of Local 856 joined hundreds of Teamsters from across the country for the 45th Annual Teamsters National Black Caucus (TNBC) Educational Conference in New Orleans, last August.
“It felt like home,” said Barry Deandre Anderson, Shop Steward, Sunsweet. “I am an activist in, and out of work, so it was great to get involved and feel the culture. I met people I have kept in touch with since the event.”
The TNBC is an organization of black Teamster men and women who are united by their special concerns for rights and conditions of workers. Working within the framework of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters Constitution, the TNBC seeks to address pressing issues confronting black workers ranging from increased participation to outreach to the African-American community and other communities of color.
The four-day conference featured numerous pieces of training, workshops, and speakers from the Teamsters and the Labor Movement celebrating the theme: “Where There is Unity, There is Always Victory”.
“When I went to my first meeting, it was very contagious,” said Sarahvone Calhoun, Local 856 Trustee. “The individuals who are on the boards are very supportive and are willing to listen to whatever issues you have.”
“It was a great experience and a lot to take in,” said Rachell Berry, West Contra Costa Unified School District. “I learned information that I can now share with other members in the district.”
“To all the workers out there, get involved,” added Anderson. “You are missing out on the opportunity to have your voice heard.”
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