Teamsters 856 Staff Attorney Malia Vella on the campaign trail. Vella won her election and will be sworn in as Alameda’s Vice Mayor later this month.
Soon, Teamsters 856 Public Policy Coordinator & Staff Attorney Malia Vella will add a new title to her name: Vice Mayor of Alameda. Vella was the top vote getter in the race for two city council seats in the East Bay city last month. She ran on a platform of increasing affordable housing, mitigating traffic issues, and government accessibility.
“I’m humbled and honored,” Vella said of her election. “I promise I’ll fight hard for all Alamedans – uniting us based on our shared hopes. We’re all in this together,” she said. Vella will be sworn in on December 20th at 7 p.m. at Alameda City Hall, but her members need not worry, she will also continue on in her duties at Local 856.
While at the federal level, election night was a shocking setback for working families, locally, almost all candidates and important measures backed by Teamsters 856 prevailed, including key races that will have significant impacts on Local 856 members. For example, the overwhelming passage of Santa Rosa’s Measures O & N, secured important funding for critical city services that Local 856 members provide. The wins at Board of Supervisor, City Council, and School Board level of Local 856 endorsed candidates in Contra Costa, San Francisco, Marin, San Mateo, Santa Clara and Alameda counties will aid members at the bargaining table and beyond.
“A huge thank you to all the members who volunteered their time to get out the vote this election cycle,” said Trish Blinstrub Teamsters 856 Political Director. “Now, more than ever, it’s crucial to our survival as a movement that we participate in the political process. Every phone call and door knock counts. Our voices must not be silenced, and when we stand together, we’re stronger and louder than ever,” she said.
Find out how you can join our political action program here.