Unit 2 Members,
We are now accepting nominations for one Shop Steward vacancy. Members can nominate themselves or their fellow Unit 2 member(s) who you would like to see become a Shop Steward. Nominations will close this Friday, July 14 at 5:00 pm. A Shop Steward election will be held after nomination period closes and there are multiple nominees.
What is a Shop Steward?
Stewards are the eyes and ears of the union at work. Our Shop Stewards enforce our contract and advocate for co-workers on the job.
As Shop Stewards, members can make a real difference in the lives of their friends and colleagues. In addition, they would help shape the workplace by resolving conflicts and grievances and making sure the voice of our membership is heard.
Sound interesting to you?
Please use the form below to submit your name or nominate a fellow member who you believe would make a strong steward. If you need any additional information or have any questions regarding the position, please contact a shop steward and we would be happy to help.
Thank you,
Unit 2 Shop Stewards