Congratulations to Local 856 members at Eckert Cold Storage Escalon! Members there ratified a strong new contract this month. Getting there was not easy, but the members stood strong and persisted.
“After several months of difficult negotiations, we faced the most difficult challenges we have ever gone through with this company,” recalled Delia Elenes. Delia is a quality control worker who has worked at Eckert for over 25 years. She and her co-worker, Margarita Macias were also members of the contract negotiations team.
“On September 12th, for the first time, my co-workers and I walked out of the plant on an action day and showed the company that we were united and willing to fight for a decent contract,” Delia continued.
Eckert was refusing to agree to a fair wage increase, as well as trying to take away the members’ pension and health coverage for all the seasonal workers.
The rally was powerful and successful and caused the company to withdraw its unfair contract proposals.
On October 13th, Escalon Teamsters voted and approved their contract. The new contract includes significant wage increases, working condition improvements, and protects Eckert members’ hard-earned Teamster pensions.
“Personally, I want to thank our Principal Officer Peter Finn, our Director of the Food Processing Division Ashley Alvarado, and Business Agent Albert Zamora for helping us negotiate a fair contract,” said Delia. “I feel proud to be a part of this organization and part of one of the strongest unions in California: Teamsters 856.”
“We are proud of the membership coming together to secure a strong contract. Throughout these difficult negotiations, the membership had our complete support and everything achieved in this agreement is 100% because of the membership’s solidarity.”
—Ashley Alvarado, Local 856 Director of the Food Processing Division and Peter Finn, Secretary-Treasurer/Principal Officer