Working people standing together to speak out for animals: Teamsters 856 members at the Peninsula Humane Society hold a press conference on Monday, October 24, 2016 to blow the whistle on issues affecting animal and public safety.
Last week, Teamsters 856 members at the Peninsula Humane Society took a bold stance and held a press conference to blow the whistle on dangerous conditions affecting animal care and public safety at the organization. Local 856 members at the San Mateo facility had previously reached out to the organization’s president, Ken White — who made close to $700,000 in 2013 — but he declined to hear their concerns with their union representative present.
Local 856 members stood together to bring light to the lack of air conditioning in the back of PHS vehicles where animals are transported, causing temperatures to reach 96 degrees (and possibly higher); broken kennels that have led to animal injuries, and chronic understaffing among other issues affecting animal and public safety. (Find out more at PHSWhistleblower.com)
Check out the news coverage here and here and here.
And click the image below to add your name to the petition urging the Peninsula Humane Society Board to meet with the whistle blowers to work together to resolve issues!