United Airlines Teamsters 856 Members, Principal Officer Peter Finn, Representatives Javier Lectora, and Juan Escobar joined their United Airlines Teamsters brothers and sisters from across the country today in Chicago at the company’s shareholder meeting to tell United to stop dragging its feet in negotiations. “As employees and shareholders of this company, we have a long-termRead More >
News & Publications
Western Conference of Teamsters Pension Trust Fund Turns 60
The Western Conference of Teamsters Pension Trust Fund has come a long way since it was started by a handful Teamsters in the brewery industry in 1955 with $500,000. Today the fund remains strongly in the green zone with nearly $37 billion in assets and is the largest multi-employer defined benefit pension plan in theRead More >
Event Builds 856 Young Worker Engagement
On May 21, the Local 856 Young Teamsters Committee held an event in San Francisco aimed at building involvement among the Local’s younger members. The Committee, which was founded in 2012, unites younger Teamsters from all backgrounds and industries to not only protect, but also build upon, the hard-fought gains of previous generations, such asRead More >
Edgewood Workers Rise — Vote Teamsters 856 YES
On May 20, after a hard-fought 11-month campaign, direct care staff at Edgewood Center for Children and Families in San Francisco finally got the news they’ve been waiting for — they are officially Teamsters. “It feels so incredible to finally be able to call ourselves Teamsters,” said Residential Counselor Ashley Nims. “We’ve been working forRead More >
Members Take to Capitol In Support of Bill To Crackdown on the “Sharing-the-Scraps” Economy
On Wednesday, May 13, Teamsters 856 members Kathleen Romero, Mike Albertin, Eddy Galleguillos, Don Stevens and John Johnson traveled to Sacramento to join local elected officials, hotel workers, law enforcement officers, firefighters, retirees and homeowners to urge legislators to vote for a bill that will force home sharing platforms like Airbnb to comply with local laws andRead More >