News & Publications

Friendly Competition Nets Big Win for Solidarity Fund

When Park Central Hotel Steward Kathleen Romero took up a collection from her colleagues for the 856 Thanksgiving Meeting Solidarity Fund Raffle a few years back, she had no idea she was starting tradition and a competition. Romero’s efforts inspired other bargaining units to pool their money together as part of a friendly rivalry toRead More >

856 Gets Out the Vote for Peskin

This month, Teamsters 856-endorsed candidate Aaron Peskin was elected to the San Francisco Board of Supervisors. The Local endorsed the veteran progressive early on in light of his advocacy for affordable housing, the right to organize, fair wages, and workers’ rights. Peskin has also shown willingness to take on so-called “sharing economy” firms that areRead More >

856 Takes Part in International Panel on Sharing Economy Abuses

On Wednesday, October 7th, the California Labor Fed hosted a 38-member labor delegation from France in San Leandro. Teamsters 856 Public Policy Coordinator Malia Vella served on a panel with the Secretary-Treasurer of the State Fed, Art Pulaski, and the Research Director of the UC Berkeley Labor Center, Carol Zabin, to lead the discussion on whatRead More >

Focusing on the Fundamentals

In late September my wife Devon and I celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary. In looking back on the last 10 years, she said something that struck me as very relevant to the work we all do together at Teamsters 856. She talked about how it’s not the high-profile events that have mattered most over theRead More >

Teamster Sponsored Healthcare Transparency Bill Signed Into Law

This week working people gained ground in the battle for healthcare cost transparency when Governor Brown signed Senate Bill 546 into law on Sunday. The new law requires health insurance companies that sell to large purchasers, such as big employers and Union Health & Welfare Funds, to disclose the underlying data used to determine rate increases.Read More >